The heart of an active adult community is its amenity center. LifestyleLink allows you to create amenity resources such as locations and rooms at your community, and make them available for reservation – including group and private events. Our conflict management system makes sure nothing gets double-booked.
On your LifestyleLink dashboard, click the “Calendar” link in the top menu. The calendar lets you easily view utilization of amenity locations at a glance. You can choose which rooms to view, and filter the calendar to see when each amenity is being used throughout the month. This can help community admins track the popularity of the various locations in their facility, as well as make strategic choices when it comes time to renovate or just move some furniture. A printer-friendly version of the calendar is also available if residents would like a paper copy, or so you can include it in your next community board packet.
Click the “Amenities” link in your Admin menu on the left side of the screen. This will bring you to a full list of your community’s amenities. Here you can reserve a room for a private or administrative function, like that board meeting. You can also add a new amenity resource. When adding or managing an amenity resource, you can set a reservation fee and terms of use for the space.
To view a printable list of events and their locations, click “Schedule” in your admin menu on the left side of the screen. This creates a quick snapshot of all your upcoming events. You can sort the entries by date, and print the detailed schedule for use by residents, staff, and board members.
When you, your staff, or your residents create an event, the LifestyleLink conflict resolution system automatically identifies amenities already in use and allows adjustments to the event to resolve them, even when booking multiple amenities to the event. Simply enter the date and time of the event. You can add setup and clean up times as needed, to make sure amenity spaces will be ready for your next event. You can easily view available amenity locations and adjust event details to ensure the preferred amenity is booked.
As you have seen, community-wide amenity management is easy with LifestyleLink. The program is available to active adult communities across the country and can customized to fit your needs, and your facility. To give your admins the tools they need to manage facility amenities, contact a LifestyleLink representative for a tour of the software. If your community is already connected to LifestyleLink you can subscribe to our blog or YouTube channel for more learning resources.