Loneliness is a dangerous thing for older adults. Many members of active adult communities use the facilities and their neighbors as resources to fight off loneliness and stay connected with neighbors and friends. LifestyleLink can help by providing an easy-to-use way to stay connected with your neighbors and your active adult community.
Let’s get social with LifestyleLink. Today’s quick tip will show you how to stay engaged and connected with other members of the community and join in the conversations.
The Community Forum is your hub for discussion with fellow residence about a wide variety of topics. Click the Forums link at the top of your homepage to see the different discussion categories. You can also view posts across categories from this page if they are:
The Community Forum is also where your community managers or staff can post important information about upcoming events in your neighborhood. You might find topics on inspections, changes to the homeowners association rules, or even warnings about storms and other natural threats here on the forum.
Click the forum category title to see a list of its topics and posts within that category. Here you can click on any topic to join the conversation. You can also search topics to find a particular discussion, or click the “Post a New Topic” button at the top of the center panel to start a new discussion of your own.
Take a look at the topic by clicking on its title. You will be able to read comments by other community members and add your own answers. Just type your response in the “Comment” box, click “Reply”, and you have joined the conversation. You can always see your posts by clicking on the “My Posts” button in your Lifestyle menu at the left side of the page.
Another way to get social using LifestyleLink is through Group Discussions. Click on “My Groups” in your Lifestyle menu to get started. Then click any group you belong to. Click the “Discussion” link in the Group menu on the left side of the screen to check out what your fellow group members are discussing. This page works just like the community forum, but is specific to your special interest group and its members. Unlike posts on the forum, group discussion posts are private and will only be visible to members of the group. They are not visible to the whole community
To learn more about using LifestyleLink for your social club or group, check out Quick Tips for Residents: Creatinga Group or Club
Now you can use LifestyleLink to get social and stay connected with your neighbors and friends. Whether you are contributing to a discussion on your community forum, or are part of a social group, LifestyleLink makes it easy to make your voice heard. For more LifestyleLink learning resources, go to our YouTube channel.