Community managers can spend hours every day on facility management tasks like scheduling events and selling tickets. LifestyleLink automates many steps along the way, allowing admins at active adult communities to create and manage facility amenities online quickly and easily. That way your residents and group leaders can see what’s happening, reserve rooms and other amenities, and sign up and pay for events without taking up any of your time.
Managing facility amenities starts with your calendar. The Community Calendar lets you and your residents see everything happening in your Active Adult community at once. As administrator, you can filter the view by room, so you know when each facility amenity is being used throughout the month. You can also print out a copy of the calendar for residents.
You can also view a full list of amenities and their events by clicking “Schedule” in the admin menu. This gives you a more detailed view of everything happening in your community. You can sort the events by date and print out a copy of the list for residents.
By clicking on the Amenities list in your admin window, you can see all your facility’s amenities listed online. This is where you can add new amenity resources, or reserve a room for a private function, like a staff meeting or private party.
To create a new space, click “Add a New Amenity”. This will open a new screen where you can name the space, make it publicly available for activities, set the reservation price, and place terms of use on the space. This allows you to limit use of the space to residents, or notify them of any legal restrictions like capacity or length of use.
LifestyleLink has a built-in event conflict resolution system that makes sure your facility amenities don’t get double-booked. Even if your group leaders or volunteers are setting up recurring events all at once, the system will allow them to see and adjust event details to avoid conflicts. Setup and teardown times can be scheduled as well, so you know the space will be ready for the next event.
Managing your active adult community’s calendar of events doesn’t have to be a full-time job. Use LifestyleLink to create and manage facility amenities, and get more time to do the important work of serving your residents. With its online calendar and facility management tool, along with the automated conflict resolution, LifestyleLink will make your community functions easier to schedule and manage. And it gives better access to your residents, volunteers, and group leaders within your community.
LifestyleLink is available to active adult communities across the country. With three tiers of features, you can customize the software to fit your needs, and your facility. To give your admins the tools they need to engage your members, contact a LifestyleLink representative for a tour of the software.