You’re hosting your family reunion, or throwing your spouse a birthday party. Maybe you are having all the grandchildren over at once, or want to host a dinner party for some neighbors. Whatever is on your social calendar, sometimes you will want to take advantage of your active adult community’s facilities for your own private events. LifestyleLink makes creating private events easy through your online member portal.
Without LifestyleLink, planning and scheduling a private event can be complicated. You may have to make several phone calls, or even stop in to the community office a few times to find a time, date, and location that works for you and your guests. But LifestyleLink makes the process easy.
Any resident can create a private event by logging on to their community’s LifestyleLink resident portal. Just click “Amenities” in your Lifestyle menu. Click the “Reserve Amenity” button at the top of the list and fill in the form. Give your event a name; then add a description and any important details. This is the description your guests will see when they are responding to your invitation.
Next add a date and time, including how long you will need to set up and clean up your space. If your event will include vendors like a caterer, make sure you know how long they need before and after the official event times to get everything ready and include that in your reservation.
Once you have entered your time and date, select a location. Location amenities that are already booked will be removed from the list, and LifestyleLink will only show you spaces that are available at your chosen time, so you never have to worry about double booking.
Once all the fields are complete, click “Save” and your private event is automatically sent to your community administrator for approval. Your pending event request will be displayed on your Dashboard, so it is easy to track its progress and be sure it is reviewed on time.
You will get a notification when your event is approved, and it will be added to the facility calendar, so you can view it online. Once your event is approved, that time and location will be locked in, so no one else can reserve the same amenity as you.
If there is a fee for reserving your chosen facility amenity location, you will see that in your cart on the dashboard. You can pay for the amenity location reservation online through the LifestyleLink website with a credit card or e-check. For some facilities, this fee will need to be paid before your reservation can be approved.
Reserving facility amenities and creating private events doesn’t have to be time consuming or inconvenient. Using the LifestyleLink resident portal, you can create your own private event in a few easy steps, without ever having to leave your computer.
LifestyleLink is an easy-to-use web solution that makes it simple for residents to communicate with each other and their community administrators online. It is available to active adult communities across the country. With three tiers of features, your active adult community can customize the software to fit your needs, and your facility. Contact a LifestyleLink representative for a tour of the software.