Community administrators have a lot on their plates. LifestyleLink is a community management tool hosted on your website specifically designed to put everything you need to manage your active adult community in one place. But as with any tool, it only works if you know how to use it.
LifestyleLink’s admin panel is a community administrator’s access point to all the software has to offer. On the “Members” tab, you can view all your community residents in one place. By clicking on a member’s name, you can see and edit all their contact details and email them directly. When a member needs help using the web portal, click “masquerade” to view the site they way they do and walk them through the process.
Community administrators can use the community calendar to view everything going on in your facility, by date or amenity location. Click on “Add Event” to create a new event, specifying the title, time, place, cost, and any restrictions. LifestyleLink’s internal conflict software automatically removes any locations that are already reserved to avoid double-booking.
You can assign events to a group within your community, add a description and photo, and set the event to repeat. These features allow community administrators to manage ongoing social clubs and attract new members to participate in the groups, without having to manually enter and invite members to every weekly or monthly event.
As a community administrator, you can also create private events. This means you can block out time and space for resident parties, seminars, staff meetings, and other events not available to the general community.
You can also create ticketed events with the “Add Registration Event” button. This allows you to:
Once you have created a ticketed event, the “Orders” tab in your admin panel shows you a list of all registrations, allowing you to view order details, and manage registrations.
Social clubs and interest groups are part of what set active adult communities apart from other residential housing options. LifestyleLink makes it easy for community administrators to form new groups and give volunteer leaders and members online access to discussion forums, shared photo albums, and group events. Click “Add Group” to create a new group with a name and description. You can set each group’s visibility and accessibility so you can control how people get access to those resources. Click on any group’s name in the group list to edit its details and add attractive photos.
Effective online management of your facility does take some set up. You can easily add amenities to your online list by clicking “Add Amenity” in your admin panel. Add a name, description, reservation price (if any), and any terms related to reserving the space. Once it is saved, residents can view and reserve the amenity automatically online, pending your approval.
Click here for more information on amenity management.
Your dashboard also allows community administrators to publish news items and send them out to your members. You can also send out emergency alerts and make important announcements “sticky.” This means they will always appear at the top of a resident’s news feed.
Community administrators spend a lot of time responding to members’ requests for information. LifestyleLink allows you to upload frequently requested forms, rules and regulations, or architectural control information as a text document, spreadsheet, or PDF. Your members will have access to these documents online 24/7 through their residents’ portal.
You can control what residents see when they log in to LifestyleLink. Click on “Landing Pages” to adjust hours, update contact information, and add photos.
LifestyleLink is a powerful tool to make community administrators’ jobs easier. It is available to active adult communities across the country. With three tiers of features, you can customize the software to fit your needs, and your facility. Contact a LifestyleLink representative for a tour of the software.