Over the last decade, an increasing number of older adults have come to rely on social media networks like Facebook. What started as a way to keep up with photos of grandkids and pets have become an essential part of maintaining their active adult schedules. By using LifestyleLink, your community can give members their own private social media network, making it easier for them to connect with their neighbors and make the most of all your facility has to offer.
Active Adults fill their schedules with clubs, classes, and fitness routines. A robust active adult community’s calendar is full of special events and regular sessions to help its members stay engaged and energized. The more members who participate in your programs, the better. LifestyleLink provides your members a dynamically updated calendar of events, letting them see at a glance everything your facility has to offer, or search for just the activities they want.
The all-in-one nature of a LifestyleLink calendar and its search function makes it even easier than Facebook events or other social media calendaring apps. Groups or instructors don’t have to remember who to notify or invite. Instead, group members can schedule recurring events, even reserving space in your facility on the spot. Members can sign up for updates about events they are interested in, or search by time to fill gaps in their schedule.
LifestyleLink also keeps your members in contact with each other. Online forums and help social groups, event organizers, and individuals stay connected. Using the social network features of the software, your members can plan outings, chat about next month’s book club reading, or just check in on one another virtually. They can add photos to a group album or share files, documents, and member lists. Groups can be open to the entire community, or private and limited to just a few neighbors by invitation only.
LifestyleLink’s social media network hooks residents in to your active adult community. It enables them to find and participate in the amenities your facility offers, and gives groups the flexibility to meet members’ needs.
LifestyleLink is available to active adult communities across the country. No other tool puts as many features at your administrators’ fingertips, or does as much to connect residents in and to your community. With three tiers of features, you can customize the software to fit your needs, and your facility. If you want to provide an integrated social media community experience to your members, contact a LifestyleLink representative for a tour of the software.